Barone on Obama's Half-Brother(s)

I tend to agree with the following:

A lot of conservatives are giving Barack Obama trouble for not helping his half-brother in Africa. I'm inclined to think this is a bum rap. Obama's father left him when he was 2. He saw him again only once in his life. Obama did seek out his relatives in Kenya, as he describes in his fictionalized memoir, but does he have the responsibility to track down the multiple children his bigamous and neglectful father sired and give them money? I don't think so. Of course, if he did promise to help one and then failed to follow through, that doesn't speak well of him. But I don't think he's shirking some continuing responsibility. If your father had done what Obama's father did, would you feel any responsibility for his other offspring?
The issue surrounding Rezko and Ayers, however, need to be covered and confronted more.


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