The Race Card
Villainous Company's Cassandra posts this:
This is the biggest reason Obama was nominated by his party. It follows the strategy of Liberals in recent years to put up front persons that are unassailable in the current politically correct environment. We saw them do it with the 9/11 widows known as the Jersey Girls, with Cindy Sheehan, and many others.Came home. Went to sleep, eventually. Woke up to find the post-racial candidate playing the race card like it was the world's tiniest violin:
Barack Obama told supporters that Republicans will “try to make you afraid of me” in remarks he made Friday at a Florida fundraiser."The choice is clear. Most of all we can choose between hope and fear. It is going to be very difficult for Republicans to run on their stewardship of the economy or their outstanding foreign policy.
“We know what kind of campaign they’re going to run,” said the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee. “They’re going to try to make you afraid. They’re going to try to make you afraid of me. ‘He’s young and inexperienced and he’s got a funny name. And did I mention he’s black?’"
In similar comments at a Chicago fundraiser last Thursday, Obama told supporters that Republicans would try to portray both him and his wife Michelle as "scary."
"They’re going to try to make me into a scary guy,” he said last week. “They’re even trying to make Michelle into a scary person. Right?" And so that drumbeat – 'we’re not sure if he’s patriotic or not; we’re not sure if he is too black.'
"I don’t know, before I wasn’t black enough," said Obama. "'Now he might be too black. We don’t know whether he’s going to socialize – well, who knows what.'"
I don't know. Could you work the words "fear", "afraid", "scary", and "black" in there just a few more times, Barry? Because I'm "afraid" voters might miss the point.
You know, that you're... like, totally ... black. And the bad, scary Republicans want us to be afraid of you. Because you're so ... black. Even though you're half white. Which we're not supposed to talk about, because that would be focusing on race and you were so hoping we could get beyond that, I know. Damned Republicans. If only they'd quit bringing up the fact.
That you're black.
Oddly enough for a man liberals keep saying is so likable and non-threatening he may well be our first woman president, you're also "scary". In a disarmingly feminine, non-threatening way, though.
Which is why the Republicans have to keep reminding everyone of your essential Blackitude and scariliciousness. It's subtle, man. Under the radar, sub rosa, float like a butterfly sting like a bee .... BAM!!! That's what makes you dangerous. You're a dangerous black man, with an Ivy League education. You use words like numchuks.
For an ostensibly post-racial candidate raised by a white mother (mind you, this is the half of the parental equation which actually cared enough to stick around and make sure he was fed, clothed, and received an education) Barack Obama sure spends a lot of time talking about being black. It's almost as though he were trying to convince himself - or us - of his street creds. I don't get it.
It goes like this: find yourself a victim, and then send them out to make Leftist policy pronouncements, and when Conservatives respond - to the policy pronouncements - paint them as uncaring, callous, racists, bigots, homophobes, or what-have-you.
Now, I haven't seen anybody on the right calling Obama scary because he's black, never mind the half-black, half-white thing. What I have seen is a lot of Conservatives caling him scary due to his ignorance, stupidity, and arrogance - coupled with an undeniable charisma that younger voters and uninformed moderate Democrats will fall for hook, line, and sinker.
The prospect of a second Carter term with its energy crisis, gas rationing, Iranian bullying, and blame America foreign policy is enough to scare any rational and informed American citizen.
Personally, I would love to see the first black president in the White House. Anytime. I would have proudly voted for Colin Powell. I would love to see the first female president in the White House. I would have proudly voted for Condeleeza Rice. She's black and female. And don't get me started on Clarence Thomas. And if Thomas Sowell ran for president, I'd try to make him king.
But they don't "count," do they? They're not "really," black. Which is like saying Secretary Rice isn't really female.
What the Libs mean is that they aren't Leftists. And somehow, to Liberals, this undermines their "blackness,". Only on the Left will your hear discussions of how "black," someone is. Only on the Left will one's "real," race be determined by their adherance to an idealology.
11:00 AM
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