5 O'Clock Shadow Moment?

I can't be the only person in America who saw the spittle on Obama's bottom lip in the last twenty minutes of the debate. It never made the connection with his top lip to form a line, but it was there, it was bright white and it was quite distracting.

I wonder if anybody will mention it. None have so far that I've seen.

I think McCain won. Obama looked flustered and agitated several times.  The smirk, the interruptions. McCain always looked pretty calm. Even when he was 'passionate,' he looked relaxed and comfortable.

The question, as stated below, is: Was it decisive enough for McCain to even out, or pull ahead, in the polls?

I guess we'll find out.

Overall, I was happy with our candidate. I just wish he would have really educated on the concept of conservative economic policy and why it works in the first part of the debate. But that may have been to big a bite to chew in a debate format like this. Since the financial crisis, the candidate of the incumbent party would have a hard time convincing anybody who needs convincing that the current problem wasn't the result of the basic ideas of conservative fiscal policy, but of record high spending on 'Compassionate conservatism," and Democratic blocks on every regulatory reform that would have prevented the probelm from escalating to this level.

The other thing I wish McCain had done was talk about Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Obama and their ties to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Other the other hand, stuff like that may be best communicated in ads.


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