Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell

I have added a new list to the righthand frames on this page where I will put book titles with links to Amazon. As I add a books to the list I'll post a note about why I recommend it.

First on the list is Thomas Sowell's Basic Economics: A Common Sense Guide to the Economy. For those of you not familiar with Thomas Sowell by name, he is a Senior Fellow at the conservative think tank The Hoover Institution. He was a student and remains a disciple of the late great economist, Milton Friedman. Sowell, along with William F. Buckely, Jr., is the conservative movement's most intellectually powerful presence of the past 20 years. Since Buckley's passing, Sowell is our greatest living philosopher.

He is an economist, but it would be a mistake to think his insight s useful only for the economy. Far from it. However, if you want to know about the economy, this is the place to start.

Economic, for most of us, remains a mystery. Even though we feel the pinch, or the benefits of Washington's economic policies, few of us understand why what happens, happens. Even grasping the most elementary of ideas in economics can leave one feeling dry as a bone, and sleepy as a bloodhound on the porch.

Basic Economics is your ticket to understanding economics. Period. Sowell's knack for making complex ideas seem as easy to grasp as the story in a Dick and Jane book.

If you were ever intimidated by economics, but wished you knew how it all works, look no further. If you are an intereste observer of politics, you need to understand economics.

This will be the best money you've spent on a book in years.



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