Friedman on Oil

Thomas Friedman argues that their are two recessions. The American economy (he is completely wrong here) and a recession of democracy (correct).

First of all, Friedman doesn't argue for point one, he simply states it as fact. The issue here is that "economic recession," has an agreed upon definition which is "Two consecutive quarters of negative growth." That means any number preceded by a minus sign. The fact that we haven't had even one quarter of negative growth, doesn't stop this otherwise intelligent human being from repeating a liberal line of complete crap.

He does, however, actually argue the second point. And does a good job of it.

I agree with the idea that as the price of oil goes up, the trend of democracy around the world goes down and vice versa. I don't agree, however, with the idea that finding alternatives to oil energy is the end all and be all. We should pursue alternatives - even aggressively - but we should also find and use the oil we already own in the meantime to cut our dependence.

But the environmentalists know better, of course. Biofuels are better for the environment than drilling for, and using oil. It's obvious, right?

Jonah Goldberg notes "Environmentalism’s most renewable resources are fear, guilt, and moral bullying."

Well, part of the problem of being a conservative is bearing the burden of thinking things through. It makes one wildly unpopular.


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