
American Thinker: Social Issues Can Save McCain

Obama is a radical on social issues, especially abortion, and therein lies McCain's opportunity. In these final days, McCain needs to repeatedly talk about Obama's voting record regarding abortion, which includes support of partial-birth abortion and denying medical care to a baby who survived an abortion.

In fact, Obama's radical position on abortion could be the deciding factor in a close election - if McCain is willing to raise the issue. Many Americans already question Obama's character due to his associations, and would likely be turned off by his tacit approval of infanticide - even if they agree with him on other issues.

Moreover, McCain should stress that American culture is at stake, since the next president will likely appoint at least one judge to the Supreme Court. Unlike the financial markets, which will recover, Americans will be stuck with Supreme Court judges for much longer than four years. Based on his voting record, McCain would possibly nominate conservative judges, but more likely he would nominate moderate judges. Obama, who had the most liberal voting record in the Senate, would certainly nominate radically liberal judges. If there were ever a candidate who would use Roe v. Wade as a litmus test, it is Obama.



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