Obama Campaign Credit Card Fraud Update

Power Line - Obama shrugged

Over the weekend, National Journal posted Neil Munro's "FEC rules leave loopholes for online donation data." Munro compared the two campagns' acceptance of online donations and reports that Obama legal chief Bob Bauer essentially admitted that the Obama campaign does not compare credit card numbers to detect multiple sub-$200 donations under different names.

Thus the fact that the Obama campaign is running a credit card operation that facilitates donations under fictitious names assumes special importance. Munro does not take the story as far as our readers took it, nor raise the question why the Obama campaign has not implemented the basic Address Verification System protection against credit card fraud.


UPDATE: Mark Steyn comments:

Isn't This News?

As readers may recall, a couple of days ago it became clear that the Obama website had intentionally disabled all the basic credit-card-processing security checks and thereby enabled multiple contributions from donors with fake names. The excuse offered in the New York Times story was that, ah, yes, the Obama gang may appear to accept contributions from "Mr Fake Donor" of "23 Fraudulent Lane", but all those phony baloney contributions are picked up by their rigorous offline checking procedures. As many Obama supporters wrote to point out, simply because you get a message saying "Thank you for contributing to the Obama landslide, Mr S Hussein of 47 Spider-Hole Gardens (basement flat), Tikrit!" is no reason to believe any real money is actually leaving real accounts...


PJM notes:

Pajamas Media » Obama’s Fundraising Fraud

Make no mistake, the Democratic nominee may now be running the biggest underground finance operation since President Nixon deployed the “plumbers” as his key operatives for CREEP in 1972.

This is Barack Obama’s new model of soft-money presidential finance. This is hardly the outcome Senator McCain anticipated when he sought to clean up politics in recent years. The Democrats, on the other hand, have climbed aboard McCain’s “Straight Talk Express,” and taken the GOP for a ride.



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