Not Going to Happen

In his latest column, Dick Morris has some advice on how to win for Obama:

Obama, a private person who dislikes emotional displays in public, will have to speak from the heart about what America means to him. He will have to embrace our national sense of uniqueness and give voice to what Ronald Reagan said of us: “You can call it mysticism if you want to, but I have always believed that there was some divine plan that placed this great continent between two oceans to be sought out by those who were possessed of an abiding love of freedom and a special kind of courage.” American exceptionalism is deeply rooted in our national consciousness and it has been so offended by Rev. Wright’s characterization of the United States as a terrorist nation, a force of evil in the world, that Obama must assuage that hurt if he wishes to appease our fears.
Morris is right. But it's not going to happen. First of all, to Liberals, America is what's wrong with the world unless we follow Europe's lead, until we're leading Europe in being European. Second of all, for somebody whose wife just now became proud of America after it treated her husband as a serious candidate, talking about America they way Reagan did isn't going to come easily, if at all, and if he's able to spit it out for a speech or two, even Barry the Baritone will sound like he's talking around a mouth full of crushed glass.

The biggest problem, of course, is that thinking Americans know that Obama sat in the pew for 20+ years and listened and probably, like so many other members of the congregation, cheered for the bile that the racist, anti-American Jeremiah Wright bellowed from his pulpit.

On the other hand, they let Bill Clinton get away with the "I never inhaled," thing. And if there's ever been a politician the media has fallen more in love with than Bill Clinton, it's this guy, even though he's a warmed over Jimmy Carter policy-wise.

Morris finished his column with something I resoundingly agree with:

I doubt that this election will be close. Either Obama or McCain will probably win it in a landslide, depending on whether or not Obama can fulfill his existential mission of explaining to the American people who he really is.
Full article.


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