One in a Long Line of Broken Pledges

From Power Line:

Barack Obama has announced that he will go back on his pledge to accept public financing for the general election, and instead spend whatever he is able to raise. Obama thus becomes the first major-party candidate to opt out of the Nixon-era public financing system.

Obviously, Obama understands that he has unlocked the greatest honey-pot in American political history. He can raise far more money than John McCain, and far more than the $85 million to which he would have been limited if he had accepted public money.

Toward the end of Obama's explanation for breaking his promise, he blames Republicans:
"It's not an easy decision, and especially because I support a robust system of public financing of elections," Obama told supporters in a video message Thursday. "But the public financing of presidential elections as it exists today is broken, and we face opponents who've become masters at gaming this broken system."
Give me a break.

Read the whole PL post.


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