Wesley Clark is a Bad Joke

As a man, as a politician, as soldier.

On Face the Nation, here's what he had to add:

However, McCain's readiness was disputed by retired General Wesley Clark, who is backing Obama for president, despite McCain's storied military experience in Vietnam. "Well, I don't think riding in a fighter plane and getting shot down is a qualification to be president," he said.

"I think Joe has it exactly backwards here," Clark told Schieffer. "I think being president is about having good judgment. It's about the ability to communicate. And what Barack Obama brings is incredible communication skills, proven judgment. You look at his meteoric rise in politics and you see a guy who deals with people well, who understands issues, who brings people together, and who has good judgment in moving forward.

"And I think what we need to do, Bob, is we need to stop talking about the old politics of left and right, and we need to pull together and move the country forward. And I think that's what Barack Obama will do.

"Because in the matters of national security policymaking, it's a matter of understanding risk. It's a matter of gauging your opponents and it's a matter of being held accountable. John McCain's never done any of that in his official positions. I certainly honor his service … But he hasn't held executive responsibility."
The use of he word, "riding," in regards to what McCain was doing in that fighter plane, and his slimy insinuation that McCain was an incompetent pilot by adding that he was shot down is a nice touch.

As far as what qualifies one to be president, honorable service in the military, honorable behavior as a horribly mistreated POW, decades of service in the U.S. Senate, just doesn't cut it with Clark. But being a "Community Organizer," in the politically corrupt city of Chicago, attending a church for 20 years where the preacher spews racist and insane conspiracy theories, and just being a nice looking-guy -- hell, that qualifies. And if Clark is concerned about McCain not having "executive experience," what is Obama's experience in executive leadership? Last I checked he was also a Senator, albeit just for a couple of years before running for president.


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