Jawa Sums It Up Nicely

As I've noted, a lot of conservative are for this bailout. National Review editors are split. Highly influential think-tankers and finance gurus are split. Democrats are split. Republicans are split. The Jawa Report is rationally flummoxed, but fundamentally sound.

The Jawa Report: The Bailout : I'm at a Loss

A whole lot of folks I've always trusted as staunch free marketeers are telling us it's time to put all that "nice theory" aside and accept that massive government intervention is an "unpleasant reality" if we're even going to HAVE a market system tomorrow.

I feel a little bit like I might feel if my pastor advised me on the sly to visit the mosque every once in a while--ya know, just in case this whole "Jesus" thing doesn't end up panning out.


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