A Note to Joe the Plumber

American Thinker: Hey Joe -- About That License Thing

Without a doubt, "life's crooked umpires" and a business's inability to escape them are just as important in the calculus that I have "had enough" as is a redistributionist tax policy. And they are both fruit of the same sour left-leaning tree by the way.

Like so many business owners, I have had illogical and expensive run-ins with the DMV, the IRS, the ESC, the OSHA, the EPA, the DOT, the COC, the NCDR and surreal judges that would make your head spin and frankly they can all KMA. You would not believe these stories if I told you. Joe, these are "life's crooked umpires" and as government employees, they do not understand you or me. They do not have the fortitude to take the chance on opening a business, and they resent those who do.

These are the humorless Barney Fifes of the world, armed with power over you gained only by the production-killing nature of some bureaucracy. The can flaunt and abuse their power as they make illogical decisions that cost business owners time and money day in and day out. What do they care? They'll get their 3.9% government raise anyway.



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