Drill Here, Drill Now... a Reality?!

Phil Kerpen on NRO Financial
With the clock ticking down to what some are calling “Energy Freedom Day” — October 1, 2008, when the congressional bans on offshore oil drilling and onshore oil-shale development are set to expire — anti-drilling Democrats have backed down from a high-stakes stand-off that could have caused a government shutdown and will now result in the complete demise of the drilling bans. This is a stunning victory for grassroots activists over environmental special interests and business-as-usual in Washington. If not derailed, it also will be great news for all American consumers.

Here’s a behind-the-scenes look at how the pro-drilling victory transpired.
So barring any developments in the next few days while the Democrats are scurring to cover their tracks that connect them to the Fannie Mae Freddie Mac cookie jar, all restrictions expire completely and leave drilling decisions up to the states? WOW. That will definitely help the economy. Nobody say anything though. Maybe the Democrats won't notice.


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