Rove on the Debates

Karl Rove in the WSJ:
Presidential debates are important -- and the first debate is the most important of all, establishing an arc of opinion that persists unless jarred loose by big mistakes or dramatic events.

So whether this year's first presidential debate between Sens. Barack Obama and John McCain is Friday night or postponed a few days, it may be the fall's most critical event. In the nine first debates since 1960, the perceived winner of the debate averaged a 4.2 point net swing in the Gallup poll.
That whole article is well worth reading. Rove goes on to lay out the objectives for both candidates as he sees them.

I worry about McCain using humor in the debate. He doesn't have the natural delivery. It comes off corny 85% of the time. I hope he lays off the looking in the camera and addressing "my friends". I wish the first debate was a townhall format.

There, it's off my chest.


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