What Else is New?

Anne Bayefsky on National Review Online
Tuesday, September 23, 2008 will go down in history as the day the United Nations General Assembly provided a platform for a head of state to spew unadulterated, vile antisemitism — and the assembled nations of the world clapped.

The United Nations has become the largest global purveyor of antisemitism in the world today. In the full knowledge that the president of Iran denies the Holocaust and advocates the destruction of the U.N. member state of Israel, the U.N. invited him to mount the dais and gave him a megaphone.
This is not anything new, but we Americans, if no one else, have an obligation to point it out every time it happens. The indifference that other nations and even many of those on the Left in this nation and a few of those on the Old Right that don't protest this kind of stuff are equivalent of those who would blame the rape victim for wearing a short skirt. Sickening.


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