More Hackings...

Perez Hilton: Bill O'Reilly 'Victimized'
Bill O'Reilly clowned hackers involved with the Sarah Palin hack job so…. they set their sights on the ire-rising Fox News anchor.

Last week, hackers broke into, stole personal details including passwords of the site's members and made them public via various internet forums.

The hacking of Bill O's site was allegedly a response to the Fox host's 'scurrilous attacks' of Wikileaks (a website that published Sarah Palin's hacked information), other members of the press, and 'Hacktivists'. It was their way of 'thumbing their noses at the pundit'.

Bill O. and his people are working with authorities to get to the bottom of the hack job.

The following statement was posted on the O'Reilly site:

“The FBI and Secret Service are close to indicting some of the perpetrators and we will keep you posted when the arrests are made. All premium members receive the full backing of our legal team and if anyone is hassled in the least, please inform us immediately. In the latest case, no proprietary information was obtained by hackers and we have safeguards in place to protect everyone who does business with us.

Rest assured that we are on this. Our defense of Sarah Palin has led some criminals to attempt to disrupt our enterprise. At this moment federal authorites and our attorneys are compling information against these people. Again, if any person is bothered in any way - please let us know. We stand behind our products but, most importantly, we stand behind you. We’ll get the bad guys. Count on it.

It was also mentioned that 'hacktivists' aren't done terrorizing the Fox pundit and are planning another attack.


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