Hope From Rove

Rove: Doubts About Obama Are Real - HUMAN EVENTS

On Wednesday, the Susan B. Anthony List held a luncheon to launch their Presidential Battleground Get Out the Women’s Vote Campaign. SBA List is a premiere women’s group working on behalf of the pro-life issue nationwide. Guest speaker Karl Rove was in his element, talking history, poll numbers and presidential politics -- with the elections less than two weeks away.

You almost expected him to roll up his sleeves and hoist the now-famous white dry-erase board he scribbles on as a Fox News contributor. Rove was his warm, humorous best, speaking in realistic terms about what Republicans face on November 4th. The banquet room was full of people looking to Rove for his keen insight and perhaps some good news. Rove said, “I can’t give you any good news but the news that there is: we’ve got a chance. The reason we have a chance is the consistent deep concern on the part of the American people about whether or not Barack Obama is qualified and experienced enough to be President of the United States.”

He went on from there, giving perspective on the historical progression of polling in the race on Obama’s “unqualifieds” -- the percentage of people who do not think that Obama is qualified to be president. Rove said, “The only person who has had higher unqualified numbers at this point of his [presidential] campaign was Michael Dukakis in October of 1988. I’m not going to suggest that McCain-Palin is going to take 40 states like the first Bush did in 1988, but it is a sign of difficulty.”



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