More Reasons for Informed Optimism

Feeling glum? All of the following articles are worth reading.

Pajamas Media » Is the Race Over?

The question remains what, if anything, McCain can do now. It seems his task is to convince voters, millions of whom have already made up their minds to vote for his opponent, that an Obama presidency would pose grave dangers, domestic and foreign.

In this effort he has two Joes, a Nancy, and a Harry to help him.


Power Line - Optimism? Why Not?

Have the polls always been as variable as they are this year? It's funny how hard it is to remember from one election season to the next, but I don't think so. I think there is more volatility and uncertainty this year, maybe because the underlying trends that start to emerge when we have a week or two of calm keep getting scrambled by external events, like the recent financial crisis in its several manifestations.

For what it's worth, here are a few items of good news from current polls.


American Thinker: Signs Pointing To A McCain Victory

Well, there is another story out there that the MSM refuses to address. A huge story. One that could, and I think will, significantly affect the outcome of this race. I'm referring to the widespread phenomenon of registered Democrats openly supporting John McCain. There are numerous "Democrats for McCain" type organizations. There are numerous websites and blogs written by Democrats touting McCain's candidacy. There are pro-McCain grassroots efforts being led by Democrats. And we all know friends or relatives who are Democrats, who voted for John Kerry in 2004, and who are no fans of President Bush - but who are going to vote for John McCain this year.


John McCain, Against the Wind by Byron York on National Review Online

The lesson is that McCain is always searching for something new to overcome. Of course he would rather not be facing quite so many political adversities at once, but he is a man who, if he makes it out of one scrape, puts himself in position for another.

And now, he’s doing it again. “How many times, my friends, have the pundits written off the McCain campaign?” he asked a crowd in Wisconsin on October 10. “We’re gonna fool ‘em again. We’re gonna fool ‘em one more time.” A few days later, in Virginia, McCain described the forces arrayed against him and declared, “My friends, we’ve got them just where we want them.” People in the audience laughed. But in some sense, deep inside, McCain meant it.



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