SNL Skits

First, Biden and Murtha:

And, second, the whole sorry crew:

John McCormack asks:

The Weekly Standard

If the SNL writers really don't let their political leanings get in the way of their jokes, why did they wait until now to introduce a Jeremiah Wright character? Wouldn't it have been more relevant to have run a Wright skit back in March or April? He really provided so much material from his conspiracy theories to his hypocritical denunciations of wealth. Alas, I imagine SNL writers plan on keeping Obama's 'crazy uncle' confined to the attic so as not to offend the Obama-voting demographics that watch the show.


Yep. This one skit, it seems they believe, cover them for any "bias" they may have shown during the entire year of the campaign. After all, they probably feel they are safe now because as they say at the top of the skit, they think the lead is secure.


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