Two Articles on the GOP Future

The American Spectator: The Recriminations Begin

THE QUESTION, simply stated, is: What is the future path of the GOP? Will it continue to support outrageous levels of domestic spending, unsustainable expansion of entitlement programs, and cascading debt, while fecklessly permitting the build-up of relentless pressure for higher taxes, which will stifle economic growth and job creation?

Will the GOP get a grip on itself, recover its historic identity, and reclaim the role of fiscal grown-up? This is a very difficult task for the party of Lincoln since it has, of late, supported high-spending, deficits, and mounting debt normally associated with Democratic policies. It is hard, maybe impossible, to argue for fiscal restraint during a recession. But it was unprecedented that Republicans would throw fiscal constraint to the wind during the good times just past.


The Republican Legacy - HUMAN EVENTS

When I consider the Republican Party and its legacy I go back to its inception in the 1850s. It was a time when the major party at the time, Democratic, stood for the institution of slavery and its expansion. There was but one issue for the Republican Party as it broke onto the national scene and that was to end slavery and ensure all Men, received the inalienable rights and freedoms guaranteed in the Constitution. As the Republican Party grew and ran its Presidential candidate, Abraham Lincoln, it was evident that there was an ideological schism, one which would create the first major challenge for the new political party.



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