Obama's Political Alliances Round-Up

Little Green Footballs - Another Disturbing Unreported Barack Obama Association: a Terrorist Fundraiser

Back in April, we reported on a page at the Barack Obama website belonging to a fundraiser named Hatem Elhady, former chairman of the Hamas-linked Islamic charity “Kindhearts.” One of the friends listed on Elhady’s page was none other than Michelle Obama, and we have the screenshots to prove it. When this page was exposed at LGF, the Obama campaign first erased Michelle Obama’s name from the page, then shortly afterward, the entire page disappeared.


Power Line - Siamese Twins

The Obama campaign says it has "no ties" to ACORN, a ludicrous assertion given that the campaign has disclosed to the FEC a payment of $800,000 to ACORN's subsidiary, Citizens Services Inc. The depth of the relationship between the Obama campaign and ACORN was revealed today when a former ACORN staffer testified in a lawsuit brought by the Pennsylvania Republican Party...


Little Green Footballs - Zombie: Barack Obama's Close Encounter with the Weather Underground

Zombie has a huge new report, digging into Barack Obama’s mysterious years at Columbia University and his involvement in the anti-apartheid movement—which brought him into close contact with the Weather Underground. Would you be surprised to learn that Obama, Bill Ayers, and Bernardine Dohrn all happened to live in New York City at the same time? And could a little-known violent incident at Kennedy Airport in 1981 be the original connection between Obama and Ayers’ Weather Underground?



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