Dumb Attacks on McCain

Dean Barnett from The Weekly Standard reports some of the confounding Democratic attempts to attack McCain.

The star of this show is Democratic congressional candidate Bill Gillespie:

"Admirals' sons," Gillespie said, unopposed for the Democratic nomination in the 1st Congressional District held by Republican Rep. Jack Kingston, "were treated like royalty. They were privileged people. They were given a silver spoon. Their careers were prepared for them."

Gillespie, a former Army officer who served in Iraq, said McCain was the kind of admiral's son who became a "maverick."

McCain, Gillespie added, was "somebody who needed to stand out, someone that needed to draw attention to themselves and ... was usually out for themselves."

Well, I'll give McCain this, going to POW camp and refusing to be released early is sure one way to stand out.

I've got issues with McCain, but his military record isn't one of them. Far from it. How many times have you heard McCain talk about his service? Very few.

Contrast that with John Kerry, who stopped short only of claiming that Martin Sheen's Willard in Apocalypse Now was actually based on his experiences in Vietnam. I guess he learned from Al Gore's mistake with the Love Story flap.

But keep on attacking McCain on his service and captivity Dems. It'll work for you, we promise.



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