Soderbergh's Cannes Entry on Che Guevara

Power Line has a few words for the latest Hollywood Limousine Liberal attempt in romanticizing the psychopath Che Guevara:

I'd rather have my fingernails pulled out than watch a four and a half hour tribute to Che, but, as if that isn't bad enough, the director and star say that you really need to see it more than once:

While it may be hard to persuade audiences to see it a first time, the story requires repeated viewings to really appreciate it, said Del Toro, also a producer on the project.

... "I really think that eventually, those people, when they see the movie for the third time, they'll start seeing things, they'll start seeing dimensions and angles, maybe a look or a smile or the use of this or a character here and there.

The only way that's going to happen is if they kidnap people. The way Guevara used to do.

Couldn't have said it better myself. I really have a serious problem with crtiquing a film before I see it. But the very idea of the film in this case bothers me.

It even bothers The New York Times:

His brutal role in turning a revolutionary movement into a dictatorship goes virtually unmentioned.


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