Scott McClellen's Book

Been very busy today, but I wanted to put two cents in on this Scott McClellen book.

First, who of us wasn't relieved when they finally replaced him with Tony Snow? He was a mediocre Press Secretary (that's being generous), and he was the PS at a time when the White House needed a slugger.

So when they finally replaced him with Snow, there was a sense of relief on the Republican side. But apparently McClellen was bitter at being asked to resign.

The passages of the book I've heard are just repetitions of what the Liberals have been saying since 2002.

But, as Charles Krauthammer pointed out last night on Special Report with Brit Hume, since he never publicly nor privately confided to anyone at anytime this is how he actually felt, and that he continued, and presumably would have continued had he not been replaced with Snow, to feed the media and the American public what he felt - apparently quite strongly, was "propaganda," for his paycheck, then what kind of person are we talking about here?

Where was the internal protest. Where was the resignation in the middle of the fight?

Looks to me like after a less than stellar career at his post, he decided to cash in. And he knew what would sell books. And by turning his back, so throughly on the Bush Administration, he opens himself to more opportunities for consulting on the news talk shows around Washington and New York where he will now be welcomes with open arms by the likes of Cris Matthews, Anderson Cooper, Matt Lauer, etc.


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