Sounds Like Somebody Has Been Reading The Koran

The first of many attempts of the MSM to patch up Obama's Jeremiah Wright problem. Does McCain have a preacher-problem of his own?

From ABCNews:

"Islam is an anti-Christ religion that intends through violence to conquer the world,"

Sounds about right to me.

But I don't think this will damage McCain. The stark difference between this an Jeremiah Wright is McCain wasn't sitting in this guy's pew for 20 years, wasn't married by him, and didn't have his kids baptized by him. Only to throw him overboard when it was politically expedient.

Having said that, I don't know how this idiot came up with this:

"America was founded with the intention of seeing this false religion destroyed," Parsley says, "and I believe Sept. 11, 2001 was a generational call to arms that we can no longer ignore."
I'm sure we'll find out about a bunch of other nutty stuff he said. But if they think this will make Jeremiah Wright go away over the summer, they're wrong.

(Hat tip: LGF)


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