The Tennessee GOP YouTUBE Ad

Few have seen the actual ad that Everybody is so twisted up about. Here it is. I think you'll find the reactions to this ad way out of proportion with the message.

In fairness, Michelle Obama clarified her remarks:

But, I'm struck by her attributing the opportunities that her working-class parents provided her in her going to Harvard and Princeton was "up to luck, or based on race, or gender, or based on political affiliation..."

Her "City-Worker" father would be surprised to hear, I'm sure, that his contributions to her education and raising were based on luck, race, and gender.

We should all be surprised that the wife of the presumptive Democratic nominee for President of the United States thinks political affiliation has ANYTHING to do with whether or not you can go to a good college. Did she misspeak, or is she really that deluded?

Red State Update chimes in.

The last line is worth clicking the vid.



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